Monday, June 17, 2013

Kaysville Arts and Music Festival

The festival was an audition sort of gig. We decided, "Hey, why not? It is our hometown after all...." So we made an appointment, filled out an application and sang a song for the judges. We weren't entirely sure what kind of music they were looking for, having never been to the festival before. (This is only the 3rd year.) But we happily found our name on the official list of performers a week or so later. And then realized that we must've made a really good impression on the powers that be when we got a phone call from the organizers of the Kaysville 4th of July celebration saying we had been recommended to them by the Arts Festival people and wanted to know if we would do a half hour show at the big Independence Day carnival. Oh! Well, certainly! We'd be happy to!

But first, the Arts Festival....held at a nearby park and housing all sorts of booths and tents with various kinds of arts, crafts and food, it also had two stages at opposite ends of the park. We were assigned to the bigger, main stage. Can I just say how nice it is to have professional sound guys? And cordless mics? We were spoiled. And we had a really good time. All three of us decided that this was the most prepared and confident we'd felt for a performance in the whole year and a half we'd been singing together. And to have our families in the audience rooting for was a good afternoon.
We have such amazingly supportive husbands! They are not only willing to take care of the kids and hold down the fort when we rehearse and perform, but also take an interest in how things are going and are willing to be a listening ear. We often find that when each of us go to our sweethearts with a specific question as how to handle something we are wondering about or struggling with....we get back together only to discover that each of our husbands independent of each other, have more or less given the exact same advice. They are good men and lift us higher.


1 comment:

  1. Those are some lovely ladies and cute hubbies! Keep up the good work, all six of you!
